Suyash Tiwari An opioid is a medicine to treat persistent or severe pain. It attaches itself to opioid receptors on nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. It acts as a blocker and restricts pain signals from travelling through the spinal cord to reach the brain. Often used to curb surgery discomfort or injury due to sports, its impact on the human body is not restricted to the reduction of pain. It has been found to induce addictive behavior, specifically when used to manage chronic pain over a longer duration. The most common illegal opioid is heroin. However, the strongest opioid available in the market is Desomorphine, popularly called krokodil. Through this blog post, I shall elucidate upon krokodil’s history, method of preparation, addictive behaviour and side effects. Krokodil was originally created in Russia. Around 2002, it reached Siberia and has since spread throughout Ukraine, Georgia, and Kazakistan. While several drugs are harshly addictive and physically dam...