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Gender Differences in Stress Reactivity and Response

           Stress can be defined as a real or interpreted threat to the physiological or psychological well being of an individual that results in physiological and behavioral responses. Stressors – or stress causing factors- can be external or internal, temporary or prolonged, and positive or negative and psychological and physiological responses to these stressors can greatly impact our health — both mentally and physically. In his 1994 book, “Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers,” biologist Robert M. Sapolsky explains how psychological stress from social interactions can affect biological stress and lead to an increased risk of disease (Sapolsky, 1994). The bodily stress response is associated with manifestations of various psychosomatic and psychiatric disorders and it is important to understand the underlying mechanisms that influence this association. 

Moreover, men and women tend to react differently to stress–both psychologically and biologically. For a large part of our history, due to patriarchal norms, gender differences in providing interventions have largely been ignored. Men have traditionally been used to study physiological stress so that researchers would not have to account for hormonal changes, whereas studies on women were assumed to require more complexity to allow for changes in hormone levels due to ovulation (Taylor et. al, 2006). Research was therefore performed on men and the findings were generalized across all genders. However, recent findings have shown that women not only report higher levels of stress, but are also likely to rate their life events as more negative and less controllable than men and exhibit more distress when faced with stressful situations (Matud, 2004). These differences need to be studied in order to have a better understanding of the gender differences observed for many disorders, which are likely to be further linked to gender difference in stress reactivity and responses.

A primary cause for the observed gender differences in stress reactivity is biological in nature and has to do with the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) system which is an important component of the initial bodily response to stress. The hypothalamus releases corticotrophin-releasing hormone (or CRH) into the bloodstream, which stimulates the pituitary gland. The pituitary then secretes adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) which induces the adrenal cortex to produce cortisol – a hormone that prepares the body for fight or flight while inhibiting and delaying the innate immune response. In recent times, studies have found greater acute HPA and autonomic responses as well as higher levels of ACTH secretions in adult men as compared to adult women (Kajantie & Phillips, 2006 ). This could explain why men report lower levels of distress – they are simply better equipped biologically to respond to stressors. On the other hand, female sex hormones have been found to slow down HPA responsiveness causing slower cortisol feedback on the brain and delayed containment of the stress response. (Goldstein et al., 2005) This causes fatigue, exhaustion or a sense of being unable to cope with the stressor and is also closely related to higher rates of depression in women.

A second set of gender differences arise when it comes to an individual’s psychological response to stressors. A new set of studies by Taylor et al. (2006) has found that in addition to the “fight or flight” response, people also react to stress through the “tend and befriend” response wherein instead of preparing to fight or flee, they tend to show more affiliative social behavior. While it has been observed that both men and women exhibit it, this response has been found to be more prevalent in women, who tend to seek out and value social support much more than men when stressed (Veroff, Kulka, & Douvan,1981).  Like the “fight or flight” response, the “tend and befriend” response also has its roots in evolutionary psychology: It has been hypothesized that fighting or fleeing might have posed logistical difficulties for a woman who’s either pregnant or nurturing an offspring (Aronson et. al, 2013). As such, by tending (taking care of offspring) and befriending (creating social networks), one could possibly have created a safety net for themselves to offer protection from sources of stress

Finally, men and women also differ in the specific stressors that impact them and the coping strategies they then employ to deal with the cause of stress. A study in 2004 indicated that women scored significantly higher than men in reporting chronic stress and minor daily stressors, and listed family and health-related events as sources of stress more frequently than men - who mostly listed finance and work-related events (Matud, 2004). The same study also found that men showed higher rates of emotional inhibition and detachment from the stressors as compared to women. As it turns out, women are likely to focus on the mental repercussions of facing a stressful situation and divert their attention towards alleviating the emotional distress i.e. they use emotion-focused coping strategies. In contrast, men are likely to detach themselves from the situation and use a rational, more problem focused approach (Brougham et al, 2009)

           While tabulating gender differences in stress reactivity and responses, it is difficult to wean out the multitude of causes for the same. While the biological aspect plays a major role in the initial response to a stressor, social moderators - like the expected appropriate response to stress as governed by gender roles - and early learning may also determine how an individual reacts to stress. Considering that individual differences in stress reactivity have been proposed as a potentially important risk factor for gender-specific health problems, it becomes increasingly important to study these differences in detail and apply them in therapy or while designing psychological intervention programs and stress reduction workshops so that they can be more tailored and thus more effective. 


 Sapolsky, R. (1994). Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers (1st ed.). New York, NY: W.H. Freeman and Company
Taylor, S. E. (2006). Tend and Befriend. Current Directions in Psychological Science,15(6), 273-277. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8721.2006.00451.x
Matud, M. (2004). Gender differences in stress and coping styles. Personality and Individual Differences, 37(7), 1401-1415. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2004.01.010
Kajantie, E., & Phillips, D. (2006). The effects of sex and hormonal status on the physiological response to acute psychosocial stress. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 31(2), 151-178. doi:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2005.07.002
Goldstein, J. M. (2005). Hormonal Cycle Modulates Arousal Circuitry in Women Using Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Journal of Neuroscience, 25(40), 9309-9316. doi:10.1523/jneurosci.2239-05.2005
Veroff, J., Kulka, R.. & Douvan, E. (1981). Mental health in America: Patterns of help-seeking from 1957 to 1976. New York: Basic Book
Aronson, E., Wilson, T. D., Akert, R. M. (2013). Social Psychology. Boston: Pearson.
Brougham, R. R., Zail, C. M., Mendoza, C. M., & Miller, J. R. (2009). Stress, Sex Differences, and Coping Strategies Among College Students. Current Psychology, 28(2), 85-97. doi:10.1007/s12144-009-9047-0


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