Cynthia was a promising student in 10th grade, and an overall happy girl. However in the near future, all of this would be forgotten about her, and a few episodes would later become her label. She would occasionally get violent towards her classmates, and she would talk about the monster that she saw before every episode. Due to this incident, she was put in an isolated room for the safety of the rest of the class. She would always carry a bible in her bag as she believed it would chase away the monster.. Cynthia was in a strict religious environment, a nun's school, and the beliefs in that society were not favorable for somebody suffering from schizophrenia. On one hand Cynthia is taking treatment to ease her symptoms, while on the other hand her classmates would recite the rosary to cast out the demon in her. Cynthis is just one girl who has been shunned by society, because she has a condition that most people refuse to understand. In this pa...