The Blacklist is an interesting thriller that focuses on capturing the most dangerous and wanted criminals in the world with the help of a former US Navy officer who is now a high-profile criminal, Raymond Reddington. All the episodes are named after the serial number given to each criminal. The episode I would like to discuss today is No. 104 – Lord Baltimore. This episode explains an important disorder that we have studied under personality disorders, that is, disociative identity disorder. It is the only episode in the whole series that explicitly shows the symptoms of a personality disorder. In this episode, a woman named Nora Mills is suspected of being the so-called ‘Lord Baltimore’, but strangely enough, she is not aware of this. She also shows other forms of behaviour that she is unaware of. When taken back to Nora’s past, we see that she had a twin sister named Rowan Mills. Rowan was a happy, outgoing and well-adjusted child while on the other hand No...